Mandaveli residents pour out traffic woes

Residents of Mandaveli and Mandaveli Pakkam expressed their
displeasure at the traffic mess created by Chennai Metro at a
private hall during the hurriedly-convened meeting by Chennai
Metro staff and local area police to discuss issues arising out of
traffic movement changes
Doctors who manage clinics and hospitals in this zone – Dr B S
Ramakrishnan, a leading gastroenterologist of The Surgical
Clinic Dr Capt Biswakumar a leading neuro physician of Indra
Clinic, Dr R Narendran, ENT surgeon of The BASE, Dr Harish
Ayyappan of BSS Hospital highlighted their woes and difficulties
faced by the patients.
Dr Harish said access to BSS Hospital is cut totally off now and
they are in an island with no connectivity. A patient suffered
heart attack in Mandaveli and could not be brought to the BSS
Hospital and was advised redirected to Billionth Hospital. The
situation has become very dangerous for patients.
Dr Biswakumar said access to his clinic in R K Mutt Road in
Mandaveli section has been cut off and said traffic is allowed
from Solaiappan Mudali Street into R K Mutt Road then allowed
to take right to reach the R K Mutt road junction
Dr Narendran said from South Canal Bank Road to Greenways
Road – while in the past it took ten minutes to reach before has
now become more than 50 minutes affecting patient care and
treatment. A colossal waste of precious time, he lamented.
Traffic police say they will visit all the possible route diversions
suggested by doctors and residents, work along with CMRL and
look at offering a better facility.
Ravi Nandyala president of Jeth Nagar Welfare Association said
the intent of the meeting was good but the meet is being called
for in a matter of few hours. How can we expect the public to
attend to air their problems “It’s very unreasonable either they
make a note of the issues and go back to their drawing boards
or give adequate time for people to think through the solutions.
Former Mylapore MLA and veteran stage actor S Ve Shekher
chaired the meeting. Many participants felt such a meeting
could have been convened before the traffic diversions were
announced leaving room for discussion.