Thiru Mylais Star, member of Editors Guild of India

Thiru Mylais Star, Mylapore’s favourite and most preferred
neighbourhood weekly newspaper, has been admitted as a
member of the most powerful and prestigious Editors Guild of
India in New Delhi
The weekly will be represented by its Editor-in-Chief
Kalaimamani Dr Prakash M Swamy in all the meetings and
conferences to be held in New Delhi.
Editors Guild of India (EGI) is a non-profit organization of
journalists, particularly the Editors, based in India. The
organization has declared objectives of protecting press
freedom and for raising the standards of editorial leadership of
newspapers and magazines
It was founded in 1978 by Kuldip Nayar.EGI has represented
Indian newspapers in communications to the government
The first national convention of the Guild was held in Delhi in
The official statements of EGI have highlighted the incidents of
muzzling of the freedom of press and threats to the safety of
journalists but have rarely made any visible impact.